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HIPAA Privacy Policy

HIPAA Privacy Policy

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

Revvity Omics, Inc. (“RVTY”, “we” or ”our”) uses and shares “Protected Health Information” or “PHI” about you to perform testing services and related purposes.  We use and share your information to carry out payment and health care operations. We also use and share your information for other reasons as allowed or required by law. We have the duty to keep your health information private and to follow the terms of this Notice. The effective date of this Notice is March 1, 2024.

PHI is health information that includes your name or other information that identifies you.

Revvity Omics’ use of your PHI

We use or share your PHI to perform testing services ordered by you or your healthcare provider. Your PHI is used or shared for testing, payment, and health care operations. 

For treatment

Revvity Omics may use or share your PHI to perform or have performed testing ordered by you or your healthcare provider.  For example, RVTY sometimes collaborates with third parties to provide excellent testing services, and we may share your PHI with one of those third parties if the testing being performed requires their input.

For payment

We may use or share PHI to make decisions on payment.  

For health care operations

RBTY may use or share PHI about you to run our laboratory. For example, we may use or share your PHI for any of the following purposes:

  • Improving quality;
  • Legal services, including fraud and abuse detection and prosecution programs;
  • Actions to help us obey laws;
  • Address member needs, including solving complaints and grievances.

Business associates

RVTY works with other companies that sometimes need access to your PHI. These companies provide a number of different services, including contributing directly to providing high-quality results to you, helping us maintain the equipment and software we use to perform testing, helping process insurance claims or collect amounts due, and helping us comply with our legal obligations. 

RVTY may use or share your PHI without your written authorization

The law allows or requires RVTY to use and share your PHI for several other purposes without getting your authorization. We may use or disclose your PHI without your authorization as follows:

  • As required by Law
  • For law enforcement activities and legal proceedings, including, if necessary to prevent or lessen a serious threat to your health and safety or that of another person. We may also provide PHI to law enforcement officials or in civil proceedings in response to a warrant, investigative demand, subpoena, court order, or similar legal process.
  • For research, if institutional review board or privacy board has reviewed the research proposal and established protocols to protect the privacy of your PHI and determined that the researcher does not need to obtain your authorization prior to using your PHI for the research.
  • Other uses permitted by HIPAA, including disclosure to public health authorities, the FDA and other health organizations, other governmental institutions. 
RVTY may need your written authorization to use or share your PHI

RVTY needs your written approval to use or share your PHI for any purpose other than the ways we will use or share your PHI without authorization specified in this Notice.  RVTY needs your authorization before we disclose your PHI for marketing purposes.  RVTY does not anticipate having any psychotherapy notes, but any disclosure of such notes requires your approval.  RVTY also does not sell PHI as a matter of corporate policy, but if we ever did we would require your approval. If we ask for your approval for some use of your PHI and you give approval, you can always cancel that approval later, but any later cancellation will not apply to any disclosures made while the approval was current.

RVTY’s duties

  • RVTY is required by law to maintain the privacy of your PHI, to provide this Notice, and to notify you of any breach of your unsecured PHI;
  • RVTY is required to abide by the terms of this Notice, or another version when it takes effect.

You have the right to:

Request restrictions on sharing of your PHI

You may request that we not share your PHI to carry out treatment, payment or health care operations, and not share your PHI with people you name who are involved in your health care. However, RVTY is not obligated to comply with your request unless it pertains to disclosure to your health insurance and the underlying bill has already been paid in full.

Request confidential communications of PHI

You may ask RVTY to give you your PHI in a certain manner or place to help protect your privacy.

Review and copy your PHI

You have a right to review and get a copy of your PHI held by us, but the law allows RVTY to deny you access to some records under some circumstances.

Amend your PHI

You may ask that we correct your PHI if it is incorrect in records we created.

Receive an “Accounting”

You may ask that we give you a list of who we shared your PHI in the last six years prior to your request, but we will not disclose the times we shared your PHI: for treatment, payment or health care operations; to you; if made with your authorization; incident to another disclosure permitted or required under applicable law; to certain government institutions; in a manner designed to prevent identification of you.

RVTY may charge a reasonable fee if you ask for an accounting more than once in a 12-month period.

Receive a paper copy of this Notice

To exercise any of your rights noted in this section, you may write or send an email to us with your specific request, including requesting a form to complete to obtain a copy of your test results. RVTY will consider your request and provide a response. 

What can you do if you believe your rights have not been protected?

If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may complain to RVTY and to the Department of Health and Human Services. If you file a complaint, RVTY will not do anything against you.

You may file a complaint or contact us about any other matter in this Notice us at:

Revvity Omics, Inc. 
Attention: Privacy Official 
250 Industry Drive. 
Pittsburgh, PA 15275


You may file a complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services at:

Office for Civil Rights 
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 
233 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 240 
Chicago, IL 60601 
(800) 368-1019; (800) 537-7697 (TDD); 
(312) 886-1807 (FAX)


This Notice only addresses the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”).  In some circumstances, state or other law or regulation may impose more stringent requirements than HIPAA, meaning RVTY may not do things permitted by HIPAA. RVTY will follow the more restrictive rule.

This Notice is Subject to Change. RVTY reserves the right to change our information practices at any time and will post a revised Notice when our practices change. We will at all times comply with the posted Notice.

This Notice applies only to Revvity Omics, Inc.’s use of PHI. You can see Revvity, Inc.’s generally applicable Privacy Notice here.  If there is any conflict between this HIPAA Privacy Policy and Revvity, Inc.’s Privacy Notice, this HIPAA Privacy Policy will apply as to Revvity Omics, Inc.’s use of PHI.

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact the following office:

Revvity Omics, Inc. 
Attention: Privacy Official 
250 Industry Drive. 
Pittsburgh, PA 15275 
Phone: 1-866-354-2910, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time.