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Ribodepletion Solutions

Gene expression studies lie at the heart of understanding cellular processes, disease mechanisms, and developmental pathways. However, profiling of gene expression requires overcoming significant challenges, one of which is the presence of abundant transcripts, in particular ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Ribosomal RNA constitutes a substantial portion of total RNA in cells, often exceeding 80%. During RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), rRNA reads dominate the dataset, overshadowing other RNA species. This dominance hampers the detection of low-abundance transcripts and distorts gene expression profiles.

Ribodepletion refers to the targeted removal of rRNA from RNA samples before sequencing. Ribodepletion improves the detection of low-abundance transcripts. Genes expressed at low levels become more visible, leading to a comprehensive view of the transcriptome. This allows researchers to focus on biologically relevant transcripts without interference from abundant rRNA. Quantification of gene expression levels allows robust identification of differentially expressed genes. Ribodepletion minimizes false positives and false negatives, improving statistical power.

In additional to rRNA depletion, other commonly occurring transcripts that are not of interest in a study can further improve detection of biologically relevant transcripts.

Revvity offers solutions based on either CRISPR-Cas9 depletion or using a hybridization-probe approach to remove uninformative molecules prior to sequencing and improve your ability to detect biologically relevant transcripts in single cell sequencing, whole blood samples, and even complex communities containing host and bacteria RNA.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Focusing your sequencing reads
Ribodepletion Solutions


Application Type of sample What do you want to remove? Kit
Single cell RNA-seq PBMC (immune cells) Human rRNA+ mtRNA, non-transcriptomics reads and (optional) non-variable genes DepleteX® Single Cell RNA Boost Kit
Gene expression (Transcriptomics) Human whole blood Globin DepleteX® RNA Depletion (Globin) Kit
Human whole blood Common transcripts DepleteX® High Expressing RNA Depletion Kit
Human sample (any type) Human rRNA CRISPRclean® Stranded Total RNA
Human sample (any type) Human rRNA NEXTFLEX™ Ribonaut rRNA Depletion Kit
Human sample (any type) Human mitochondrial reads DepleteX® Mitochondrial DNA Kit
Metagenomics Human origin (stool, saliva, etc) Human rRNA CRISPRclean® Stranded Total RNA Kit
Human origin (stool, saliva, etc) Human rRNA + bacterial RNA CRISPRclean® Plus Stranded Total RNA Kit 
Human origin (nasopharyngeal swab) Human + bacteria rRNA DepleteX® Nasopharyngeal Microbial RNA Boost Kit 

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