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Impossible is

If they say “impossible,” we say “challenge accepted.” At Revvity, we fearlessly face tomorrow’s unknowns for a healthier humankind.

United in

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To care

We are scientists who celebrate humanity. And we are here to empower scientists to improve healthcare for everyone, everywhere.

To cure

Can’t is a call to action for us. We help scientists, researchers, and clinicians identify disease and treatments, find cures and overcome the world’s greatest health obstacles.

Scientific in approach. Comprehensive in service.

With a keen understanding of disease pathways, we cross the continuum of healthcare, starting with research.

Research & Discovery

For precision in compounds and molecules, we have the resources for thorough and conclusive research. Plus, our scientists help other scientists throughout the research and drug discovery process.


Count on Revvity for the highest standard of instrument precision and calculations to help move discoveries forward. We have the advanced tools you need. And if not, we’ll create them.

Clinical Testing

From targeted testing to whole population screening, our comprehensive solutions provide rapid and accurate results for laboratories and clinics of all sizes.

To Market

Healthcare has no finish line. Nor does it have a speed limit. Our focus is to accelerate the time to market, without sacrificing quality. People’s lives depend on it.

Expanding the
boundaries of human
potential through science.

That’s Revvity.