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Application Note Icon   Application Note
Pesticide detection in food produce through bead mill homogenization and QuEChERS extraction

The use of the QuEChERS method and bead mill homogenization for efficient

Application Note Icon   Application Note
Bead mill-based plant protein extraction efficiency is not dependent upon starting sample quantity

Plant protein extraction efficiency and consistency via bead milling in

Application Note Icon   Application Note
Proinflammatory cytokine evaluation from human PBMCs in response to AAV8 peptides

This application note discusses the evaluation of proinflammatory cytokines from

Application Note Icon   Application Note
Streamline the HEK 293 HCP impurity quantification workflow with new, no-wash AlphaLISA HEK 293…

Read our new HEK HCP application note to learn about HEK 293 HCP impurity

Application Note Icon   Application Note
Best practices to measure cytokines in whole blood with AlphaLISA

Streamline your cytokine detection with no-wash assays, while overcoming the

Publication Icon   Literature - Publication Review
Streamlining single-cell sequencing workflows using Cellometer and Cellaca high-throughput cell…

Literature review for Cellometer and Cellaca titled Streamlining single-cell

Whitepaper Icon   Whitepaper
White paper: The historical development of the hemocytometer

White paper describing the historical development of hemocytometer.

Application Note Icon   Application Note
Isolation, quantitation and viability analysis of neonatal cardiomyocytes using the Cellometer Auto…

Application note describing the isolation, quantitation and viability analysis

Application Note Icon   Application Note
Measuring concentration and viability of PBMCs without lysing using the Cellometer Auto 2000 cell…

Application note describing the measurement of PBMC concentration and viability

Application Note Icon   Application Note
Enumeration and viability of nucleated cells from bone marrow, cord blood and mobilized peripheral…

Application note describing counting and viabiity assessment of nucleated cells

Application Note Icon   Application Note
Yeast concentration and viability using image-based fluorescence analysis using the Cellometer X2…

Application note describing yeast concentration and viability assessment using

Whitepaper Icon   Whitepaper
White paper: Identifying and resolving the sources of hemocytometer counting error through…

White paper describing identifying and resolving the sources of hemocytometer


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