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Primary Sample Reformatting

Automated liquid handling workstations for traceable sample reformatting

Revvity is working closely with laboratories around the world to deliver the nucleic acid isolation, automation, real-time PCR, antibody testing, and vaccine development solutions they need to rapidly respond to these challenges. Our top priority is to provide the technology and support to meet these needs.

  • Increase throughput
  • Improve accuracy
  • Increase efficiency

We are here to help laboratories overcome their testing challenges by automating sample reformatting, so they can better address the world’s urgent public health concerns.

One of the primary advantages next-generation sequencing (NGS) provides over other methods of analysis is that it is an effective and high-throughput solution for screening multiple samples and detecting viruses without prior knowledge of an infectious agent.

Sample reformatting

The JANUS® G3 primary sample reformatter provides safe and traceable automated barcode scanning of up to 192 input sample tubes and reformatting the samples tubes into various destination labware to support various downstream processes.

This workstation can enable additional nucleic acid extraction sample preparation including:

  • The addition of lysis buffers, internal standards, and enzymes
  • The plating of beads, wash buffers, and elution buffers for downstream nucleic acid extraction on the chemagic™ 360 nucleic acid extractor
  • The pooling multiple samples prior to RNA isolation
  • Biobanking sample preparation prior to long-term storage
  • Other tube to plate reformatting needs and processes.

For instance, to meet the demand for pooling samples for SARS-CoV-2 detection, we created an easy-to-use method on the JANUS® G3 primary sample reformatter. Pooling drastically increases throughput while reducing the cost of testing samples for SARS-CoV-2 and the demand for plastic consumables.

We offer solutions to streamline whole genome amplification (WGA) workflow, nucleic acid extraction, PCR setup, and Library QC.

Automate your workflow

Pre-programmed protocols are available, automating library prep kits on the Sciclone® G3 NGSx, Sciclone® G3 NGSx iQ™ and JANUS® G3 liquid handlers. These multiple automation options offer labs the flexibility to meet their specific throughput and hands-on time needs.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Primary Sample Reformatting

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