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Application Note

Illumina Stranded Total RNA Prep Ligation with Ribo-Zero Plus automated on Sciclone G3 NGSx liquid handler


Illumina® Total RNA Prep with Ribo-Zero Plus offers a robust solution for in-depth RNA analysis. This protocol empowers researchers to uncover novel alternative transcripts, gene fusions, and allele-specific expression. This sequencing method works across diverse sample types (including FFPE) and removes abundant RNA from various species (human, mouse, rat, bacteria, and epidemiology samples).

Read this application note to see data illustrating how automating the Illumina Stranded Total RNA Prep, Ligation with Ribo-Zero Kit on the Sciclone® NGSx workstation can deliver either low- or high-throughput library construction while reducing hands-on time and risk of errors while working even with very reduced volumes.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Illumina Stranded Total RNA Prep Ligation with Ribo-Zero Plus automated on Sciclone G3 NGSx liquid handler