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5 µm Polystyrene beads in a Trypan blue solution

5 µm Polystyrene beads in a Trypan blue solution. 4 x 1 ml vials

Feature Specification
Assay Points 50 tests
Bead Type or Material Polystyrene (PS)
Concentration 5 x 10⁶ beads per mL
Diameter 5 µm
Instrument Compatibility Cellometer Ascend
Cellometer Auto 2000
Cellometer Auto T4
Cellometer K2 Fluorescent Cell Counter
Cellometer Spectrum Image Cytometry System

5 µm Polystyrene beads in a Trypan blue solution. 4 x 1 ml vials

Product Variant
Quantity: 4 x 1 mL vials
Part #:
List Price
USD 383.30
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Cellometer cell counting beads enable users to verify instrument functionality and establish routine quality control SOPs for daily, weekly, or monthly instrument performance. The beads are supplied with a protocol, a certificate of analysis, and pass/fail criteria which users may choose to test concentration read-outs on their instruments.

Brightfield polystyrene beads in a Trypan blue solution. Diameter: 5 µm

Approximate bead concentration: 5 x 106 beads/mL. Refer to CoA of lot # for expected concentration aon total concentration 4 x 1 mL vials, sufficient for approxiamtely 200 counts. Suitable for use on all Cellometer instruments. Warranty is valid until the expiration date stated on the product packaging.


5 x 10⁶ beads per mL
5 µm
Assay Points
50 tests
Bead Type or Material
Polystyrene (PS)
Instrument Compatibility
Cellometer Ascend
Cellometer Auto 2000
Cellometer Auto T4
Cellometer K2 Fluorescent Cell Counter
Cellometer Spectrum Image Cytometry System
4 x 1 mL vials
Shipping Conditions
Shipped Ambient
Storage Conditions
Room Temperature
Counting Beads


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