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Flyer Icon   Flyer
Better tools for better biology. ViaStain Reagents for the Celigo Image Cytometer

Flyer describing ViaStain reagents, dyes and kits for cell-based assays on the

Specification Sheet Icon   Specification Sheet
Specification sheet for the Cellometer Spectrum image cytometer.

Specification sheet for the Cellometer Spectrum image cytometer.

Specification Sheet Icon   Specification Sheet
Cellaca PLX Specification sheet

Specification sheet for the Cellaca PLX image cytometry system

Specification Sheet Icon   Specification Sheet
Cellometer X2 Specification sheet

Specification sheet for the Cellometer X2

Flyer Icon   Flyer
Cellometer K2 fluorescent cell counter - designed for precise cell counting and fluorescent analysis

Flyer describing the Cellometer K2 fluorescent cell counter which is designed

Brochure Icon   Brochure
Cellaca MX high-throughput cell counter brochure

Brochure describing the Cellaca MX high-throughput cell counter.

Specification Sheet Icon   Specification Sheet
Celigo Image Cytometer Plate Profiles

Specification sheets listing the plate profiles that are supplied with software

Flyer Icon   Flyer
Celigo 21 CFR Part 11 ready module

Flyer describing the 21 CFR Part 11 ready module for the Celigo image cytometer.

Brochure Icon   Brochure
Cellometer Auto 2000 cell viability counter brochure

Brochure describing the Cellometer Auto 2000 cell viability counter

Brochure Icon   Brochure
Automated cell counting and image cytometry solutions brochure

Brochure showing Revvity's automated cell counting and image cytometry

Poster Icon   Scientific Poster
Brightfield and Fluorescent Image Analysis for Screening Applications using the Celigo Adherent…

Brightfield and Fluorescent Image Analysis for Screening Applications using the

Poster Icon   Scientific Poster
Image-Based Cytometric Analysis of Fluorescent Viability and Vitality Staining Methods for…

Image-Based Cytometric Analysis of Fluorescent Viability and Vitality Staining


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