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Poster Icon   Scientific Poster
Non-disruptively count and quantify fluorescent iPS colonies during 2° reprogramming: 7 min per 6-…

Non-disruptively count and quantify fluorescent iPS colonies during 2°

Poster Icon   Scientific Poster
Novel cell-based high-throughput hybridoma screening method using the Celigo image cytometer for…

Novel cell-based high-throughput hybridoma screening method using the Celigo

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Validating and optimizing single cell sorting of FACS using Celigo image cytometry

Validating and optimizing single cell sorting of FACS using Celigo image

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Quantification of Natural Killer Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity using Celigo Imaging Cytometry

Quantification of Natural Killer Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity using Celigo Imaging

Poster Icon   Scientific Poster
Progressing 3D Spheroid Analysis into a HTS Drug Discovery Method

Progressing 3D Spheroid Analysis into a HTS Drug Discovery Method


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