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NEXTFLEX Rapid DNA-Seq Kit 2.0

The NEXTFLEX® Rapid DNA-seq 2.0 kit is designed to prepare multiplexed libraries for single or paired-end sequencing using Illumina® and Element Biosciences® platforms from fragmented DNA. This kit does not include enzymatic fragmentation.

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Feature Specification
Automation Compatible Yes
Product Group DNA-seq

The NEXTFLEX® Rapid DNA-seq 2.0 kit is designed to prepare multiplexed libraries for single or paired-end sequencing using Illumina® and Element Biosciences® platforms from fragmented DNA. This kit does not include enzymatic fragmentation.

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Offer valid until 03/31. Terms and conditions apply.
Product Variants
Unit Size: 8 rxns
Part #:
List Price
USD 192.00
Your online price:
Unit Size: 48 rxns
Part #:
List Price
USD 1,152.00
Your online price:
Unit Size: 96 rxns
Part #:
List Price
USD 2,304.00
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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Total list price:
USD 192.00
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  • Complete library prep solution, including size selection beads
  • Up to 1,536 unique dual index barcodes are available
  • Up to 96 UDI-UMI Barcodes now available to improve the detection of rare variants.
  • Convenient and cost-effective package in an 8, 48, or 96 reaction format
  • Simplified workflow
  • Robust genome coverage
  • Reliable performance with GC-bias and sequencing bias mitigation
  • Low input requirement for genomic DNA down to 1 ng
  • Compatible with Illumina® and Element Biosciences® sequencing platforms
  • Automation compatible with liquid handlers, including Revvity’s Sciclone® G3 NGSx and Zephyr® G3 NGS workstations

Additional product information

The NEXTFLEX  Rapid DNA-seq kit 2.0 produces library preps with a larger number of unique sequencing reads, allowing for robust genome coverage in challenging GC-rich sequences that can introduce bias.

nextflex rapid DNA seq kit 2.0 fig-1

Figure 1: Libraries prepared with NEXTFLEX  rapid DNA-Seq kit 2.0 show higher yield than libraries prepared with Competitor K’s kit using the same number of PCR cycles from a 250 ng and 1 ng input (A) and robust conversion rate (B).

Additional Data between NEXTFLEX Rapid DNA-Seq 2.0 and Competitor K’s Kit Libraries
nextflex rapid DNA seq kit 2.0 fig-2

Figure 2: Libraries prepared with NEXTFLEX  Rapid DNA-seq 2.0 shows less GC bias than libraries prepared with Competitor K’s kit.

nextflex rapid DNA seq kit 2.0 fig-3

Figure 3: Libraries prepared with NEXTFLEX  Rapid DNA-seq 2.0 shows higher genome coverage than libraries prepared with Competitor K’s kit.

Flexible Multiplexing Options

The NEXTFLEX adapters are long, annealed adapters containing indexed sequences, which offer an improved multiplexing workflow and flexible experimental setups catered to individual needs. Our barcode portfolio encompasses options for single or paired-end multiplex sequencing. The NEXTFLEX Rapid DNA-seq kit 2.0 reagents are compatible with the NEXTFLEX Unique Dual Index Barcodes for up to 1,536 sample multiplexing.

NEXTFLEX UDI-UMI adapters, incorporating molecular barcodes into each adapter, are also available for applications involving the detection of rare variants.

Automation Compatibility

The NEXTFLEX Rapid DNA-seq Kit 2.0 is compatible with multiple liquid handlers, including the Revvity Sciclone G3 NGSx and Zephyr G3 NGS workstations.


Automation Compatible
Product Group
Shipping Conditions
Dual Temperature
Unit Size
8 rxns


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