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Cellometer Auto T4 Brightfield Cell Counter

The Cellometer™ Auto T4 automated cell counter is designed for concentration and Trypan blue cell viability assessment of cell lines, even clumpy cells, with optional GMP/GLP software.

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Unit Size: 1 each
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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


The Cellometer Auto T4 utilizes brightfield imaging and pattern-recognition software to quickly and accurately identify and count individual cells. Cell count, concentration, diameter, and % viability are automatically calculated and reported.

The Cellometer Auto T4 cell counter offers:

  • On screen view of individual cell level information
  • Ability to capture multiple fields of view for accurate data
  • Built-in cell type library
  • Count difficult cells (clumpy, irregular-shaped)
  • Options for IQ/OQ Validation and GMP/GLP software

Additional product information

One-step concentration & viability

The Cellometer Auto T4 simultaneously calculates cell concentration and % viability for cultured cells stained with trypan blue.

Trypan blue viability is a dye exclusion method that utilizes membrane integrity to identify dead cells. The dye is unable to penetrate healthy cells, so they remain unstained. Dead cells have a compromised cell membrane that is permeable to the trypan blue dye. Dead cells are stained blue and display as dark cells in the Cellometer software with brightfield imaging.

trypan blue for cell viability

Within 10 seconds, the Cellometer Auto T4 instrument reports: 

automactic cell count data
  • Live, dead, and total cell count 
  • Live and total cell concentration 
  • Mean Cell Diameter 
  • % Viability

Counted brightfield image

counted bright field cell image

Live cells = green circle

Dead (stained) cells = red circle


Multiple cell images for data verification

With the Cellometer Auto T4 Cell Counter, cell morphology can be immediately viewed on-screen.

Two images with four fields of view each are captured per cell count. This is equivalent to the area of four quadrants of a hemocytometer. Counted cells are indicated on-screen for further verification that cells in the sample are being imaged and analyzed properly.

automatic cell level data
HEK293 HeLa counted cells

Users can confirm that: 

  • Cells are counted correctly, based on size and shape
  • Debris is excluded
  • Cells within clumps are being counted individually
  • Cell images can be archived and exported for use in publications and presentations
  • Saved images can be re-counted using default or user-optimized analysis settings
Exclusion of debris

The Cellometer distinguishes cells from cellular debris based on size, brightness, and morphology. This allows for increased accuracy with cell counts.

  • Cell size parameters can be modified to optimize exclusion of debris from results and enhance the accuracy of counting for a wide range of cell sizes.
  • The counted image can be viewed to verify exclusion of debris from results. 
counted cell image excludes debris
Cellometer precision

The Cellometer %CV (Coefficient of Variation), including sample preparation, was well under 5% for most cell lines tested. The CVs for manual counts ranged from 7% to 20%. Automated cell counters remove inter-operator variability and subjectivity from cell counts to generate more precise data.

auto features cellometer vs hemacytometer
Improve data accuracy & consistency
  • Eliminate wash steps
  • Reduce judgment errors
  • Reduce recording & calculation errors
  • Reduce counting time... Run more experiments
Cellometer Auto T4     Hemacytometer    
Concentration n CV Concentration n  CV
1.17 x 106 4 2.27% 1.11 x 106 3 8.04%
1.36 x 106 4 3.17% 1.41 x 106 3 11.89%
6.36 x 105 4 8.29% 5.58 x 105 3 9.66%
1.32 x 106 4 5.57% 1.16 x 106 3 20.65%
3.81 x 105 4 2.79% 3.70 x 105 3 19.49%
9.18 x 105 4 0.39% 7.68 x 105 3 10.60%


Cellometer Auto T4 brightfield cell counter specifications
  • Cellometer Auto T4 instrument
  • Cellometer software
  • USB 2.0 connection cable
  • Power supply
  • Phone/online applications support during set-up
Available accessories
  • PC laptop
Imaging performance
  • Cell Size: 5 – 60 microns (most mammalian cells)
  • Conc. Range: 105 - 107 cells/ml 

    Brightfield imaging and pattern-recognition software to quickly and accurately decluster, identify and count individual cells.
Instrument specifications
  • Weight: 10.4 lbs. (4.7 kg)
  • Dimensions: Width: 3.5" (8.9 cm), Depth: 4.2" (10.7 cm), Height: 12.6" (32.0 cm)
  • Input to power adapter: 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 0.5A
  • Output to instrument: 12 VDC, 1.5A
PC / Laptop requirements: (If purchasing Cellometer without PC laptop)
  • Windows 7, 8, or 10 (Intel Mac Parallels/Windows 7, 8 or 10)
  • 1.6 GHz or higher processor
  • 2 GB RAM (4 GB RAM or higher recommended)
  • USB 2.0 or higher
  • Display resolution 1024 x 768 pixels or higher


Unit Size
1 each


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Application Note
Cell counting repeatability and consistency using the Cellometer Auto T4 brightfield cell counter.
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Cellometer Auto T4 brightfield cell counter flyer
Specification Sheet Icon
Specification Sheet
Cellometer Auto T4 brightfield cell counter specification sheet

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