Bolton-Hunter reagent, monoiodinated. This product is used to iodinate proteins that do not contain tyrosine residues. Bolton-Hunter reagent is the N-hydroxysuccinimide ester of iodinated p-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid. The active ester acylates terminal amino groups with the iodinated p-hydxyphenylpropionic residue, effectively introducing radioactive iodine into proteins and peptides. A non-oxidative technique, it is less harsh to proteins than alternative labeling methods. An anhydrous benzene A charcoal trap is provided with each vial.
Feature | Specification |
Fresh Lot Days | Fresh upon request |
Label Position | Nominally Labeled |
Molecular Weight | 387.2 |
Bolton-Hunter reagent, monoiodinated. This product is used to iodinate proteins that do not contain tyrosine residues. Bolton-Hunter reagent is the N-hydroxysuccinimide ester of iodinated p-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid. The active ester acylates terminal amino groups with the iodinated p-hydxyphenylpropionic residue, effectively introducing radioactive iodine into proteins and peptides. A non-oxidative technique, it is less harsh to proteins than alternative labeling methods. An anhydrous benzene A charcoal trap is provided with each vial.
Iodination of proteins is a common method of adding a tracer with high specific activity to your protein of interest. Bolton-Hunter reagent is the N-hydroxysuccinimide ester of iodinated p-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid. The active ester acylates terminal amino groups with the iodinated p-hydxyphenylpropionic residue, effectively introducing radioactive iodine into proteins and peptides. A non-oxidative technique, it is less harsh to proteins than alternative methods. Bolton-Hunter reagent can be used to label peptides and proteins containing lysine residues. Available in 250 µCi size.
Molecular Weight |
Specific Activity |
2200 Ci/mmol (81.4 TBq/mmol)
CAS Number |
Application |
Drug Discovery & Development
Brand |
NEN Radiochemicals
Buffer/Solvent |
Anhydrous 2-methyltetrahydrofuran with 250 ppm BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) stabilizer
Detection Modality |
Fresh Lot Days |
Fresh upon request
Label Position |
Nominally Labeled
Molecular Formula |
Packaging |
NENSure vial
Radioisotope |
Shipping Information |
Shipped Ambient
Shipping Conditions |
Shipped Ambient
Special Ordering Information |
This is a radioactive product - shipping address must have a license to receive radioactive materials.
Storage Conditions |
Ambient or lower
Unit Size |
250 µCi
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