The LANCE® Ultra Human IL-11 Detection Kit is designed for detection and quantitation of human interleukin-11 in cell culture media using a homogeneous TR-FRET (no-wash steps, no separation steps) assay.
Feature | Specification |
Application | Protein Quantification |
Dynamic Range | 16.4 - 100,000 pg/mL |
Limit of Detection | 16.4 pg/mL |
Limit of Quantification | 77.6 pg/mL |
Sample Volume | 15 µL |
The LANCE® Ultra Human IL-11 Detection Kit is designed for detection and quantitation of human interleukin-11 in cell culture media using a homogeneous TR-FRET (no-wash steps, no separation steps) assay.
The LANCE® Ultra Human IL-11 Detection Kit is designed for detection and quantitation of human interleukin-11 in cell culture media using a homogeneous TR-FRET (no-wash steps, no separation steps) assay.
LANCE® and LANCE® (Lanthanide chelate excite) Ultra are our TR-FRET (time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer), homogeneous (no wash) technologies. One antibody of interest is labeled with a donor fluorophore (a LANCE Europium chelate) and the second molecule is labeled with an acceptor fluorophore (ULight™ dye). Upon excitation at 320 or 340 nm, energy can be transferred from the donor Europium chelate to the acceptor fluorophore if sufficiently close for FRET (~10 nm). This results in the emission of light at 665 nm.
Human interleukin 11 (IL11) is a non-glycosylated protein of 23 kDa (179 amino acids). It is produced by bone marrow stromal cells (fibroblasts) and also by a variety of mesenchymal cells. IL11 stimulates megakaryocytopoiesis, activates osteoclasts, inhibits epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis, and inhibits macrophage mediator production. IL-11 also possesses anti-inflammatory activity, and has been proposed as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis. IL11 activity is mediated by the IL-11 receptor (IL-11R) that has been reported in a wide variety of cells and tissues. IL11 binds to the IL-11R protein alone with low affinity; the affinity increases when IL-11R is associated with is signal transducer: gp130.
Application |
Protein Quantification
Automation Compatible |
Brand |
Detection Modality |
Dynamic Range |
16.4 - 100,000 pg/mL
Host Species |
Limit of Detection |
16.4 pg/mL
Limit of Quantification |
77.6 pg/mL
Product Group |
Sample Volume |
15 µL
Shipping Conditions |
Shipped in Blue Ice
Target |
Target Class |
Target Species |
Technology |
Therapeutic Area |
Unit Size |
500 assay points
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LANCE™ Ultra TR-FRET is a no-wash proximity assay technology that combines the benefits of time resolution (TR) with fluorescence...
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