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Topcount SPC Normalization Plate Kit

Normalization plate kit for the TopCount liquid scintillation counter. This 96-well SPC (single photon counting) plate is used for TopCount luminescence normalization (for the 2, 6, or 12 detector system). The plate itself is a LumaPlate (Yttrium silicate, solid scintillator), with 3H thymidine impregnated epoxy.

This part number directly replaces product 7001129.

Normalization plate kit for the TopCount liquid scintillation counter. This 96-well SPC (single photon counting) plate is used for TopCount luminescence normalization (for the 2, 6, or 12 detector system). The plate itself is a LumaPlate (Yttrium silicate, solid scintillator), with 3H thymidine impregnated epoxy.

This part number directly replaces product 7001129.

Product Variant
Unit Size: 1 kit
Part #:
List Price
USD 1,422.00
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Each time you create a new assay you must normalize the instrument’s detectors. This is called per assay normalization. You should normalize the instrument’s detectors before you use the newly created assay to count samples.

During the normalization procedure, the system calculates a factor for each detector that compensates for counting differences between detectors. When the system applies the factor to the value measured by the detector, the final result is that different detectors counting the same sample will yield similar CPM and tSIS values. This balances the responses of the detectors against one another.


Detection Modality
Product Group
Radiometric reference standards
Shipping Conditions
Shipped Ambient
Special Ordering Information
This is a radioactive product - shipping address may require a license to receive radioactive materials. Please check with your local representative.
Unit Size
1 kit


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