The original animal-free 3D hydrogel for cell culture, used in a wide range of cell-based assays. It has been validated on various cell models and applications.
The original animal-free 3D hydrogel for cell culture, used in a wide range of cell-based assays. It has been validated on various cell models and applications.

- Transparent hydrogel that has been specifically developed to offer superior imaging properties, without compromising any of the advantages of the original GrowDex hydrogel for 3D cell culture.
- Ideal for use in brightfield, phase contrast and confocal microscopy applications as well as high content imaging.
- Transparent hydrogel that has been specifically developed to offer superior imaging properties, without compromising any of the advantages of the original GrowDex hydrogel for 3D cell culture.
- Ideal for use in brightfield, phase contrast and confocal microscopy applications as well as high content imaging.

- Customizable transparent hydrogel, modified by the addition of an avidin group, that can be used to bind different biotinylated molecules.
- Prescence of biotinylated molecules may enhance cell culture conditions for specific 3D applications.
- Customizable transparent hydrogel, modified by the addition of an avidin group, that can be used to bind different biotinylated molecules.
- Prescence of biotinylated molecules may enhance cell culture conditions for specific 3D applications.

Cellulase enzyme that breaks down GrowDex hydrogel to form a solution in an easy one-step efficient cell recovery process, with no impact on cell viability or functionality.
Cellulase enzyme that breaks down GrowDex hydrogel to form a solution in an easy one-step efficient cell recovery process, with no impact on cell viability or functionality.

1 - 4 of 4 Products and Services
GrowDase™ enzyme breaks down GrowDex® hydrogel to form a solution in an easy one- step efficient cell recovery process. 3D cell structures such as spheroids, organoid or biopsies are retained with no impact on cell viability or functionality. Liberated cells can be used in gene or protein expression studies or for future experiments.
GrowDex® is an animal-free hydrogel that enables complete control over the culture environment for cells.GrowDex can be used in a wide range of cell-based assays such as microscopic imaging or metabolic activity measurement. GrowDex has been validated on various cell models and applications including primary hepatocytes, patient derived cells, 3D organoid formation, hepatocyte toxicity, stem cell proliferation and differentiation, tumour cell migration and invasion, neurite outgrowth and network formation.
GrowDex®-T is an animal-free ready to use hydrogel that has been specifically developed to offer superior imaging properties, but without compromising on any of the advantages of the original hydrogel GrowDex. GrowDex-T can be mixed directly with cells and culture media, no gelation or cross-linking step required. Ambient handling and shear thinning properties of GrowDex-T enable easy dispensing and use in automated systems.
GrowDex®-A is a ready to use, transparent hydrogel that has been specifically developed to bind different biotinylated molecules, whose presence may enhance cell culture conditions for specific 3D applications. GrowDex-A consists of avidin conjugated nanofibrillar cellulose which can be customized by binding different biotinylated molecules e.g. proteins or peptides, to create a cell specific matrix. Ambient handling and shear thinning properties of GrowDex-A enable easy dispensing and use in automated systems.