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Overcoming the technical and economic hurdles of single-cell sequencing

Advancements in single-cell sequencing technologies, such as scRNA-seq, CITE-seq, SEC-seq, and spatial transcriptomics platforms, have significantly enhanced our ability to study disease mechanisms at the single-cell level. These approaches enable researchers to explore the complex heterogeneity within cell populations, identify novel biomarkers, and gain a deeper understanding of tumor biology. However, harnessing the full potential of these technologies presents unique challenges for researchers.

This whitepaper draws on insights from a recent expert panel discussion, examining current trends, challenges and opportunities in single-cell sequencing.

Key topics include:

  • Maintaining cell viability and cell state
  • Managing complex data sets
  • Navigating economic considerations
  • Key questions for experiment planning

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Overcoming the technical and economic hurdles of single-cell sequencing