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Understanding Biology

Finding the next novel drug: understanding biology

The journey to discovering better targets requires a comprehensive understanding of human biology and diseases at the molecular level.

Unravelling the underlying pathways and disease mechanisms smooths the way for discovery of novel therapeutic targets and helps decipher how we can best interfere with disease processes in the human body. To then obtain the most relevant and robust data from cells and model systems, you need to choose the right assays, instrumentation, and informatics-based solutions to address the biological question being explored, which enable you to identify new cures. And our solutions support every step of that discovery workflow, from basic research to data analysis.

Key features:

  • Deepen biological insights for novel drug discovery
  • Discover and validate new drug targets effectively
  • Utilize cutting-edge analysis tools

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Understanding Biology

How to… interrogate biology

Leverage the power of our biological assays to identify novel targets.

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Leverage the power of our biological assays to identify novel targets.

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How to… detect and measure

The use of appropriate analytics such as capillary electrophoresis, cell counters, plate readers, high-content screening systems and in vivo imaging systems can help you make informed decisions and accelerate the drug discovery process.

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The use of appropriate analytics such as capillary electrophoresis, cell counters, plate readers, high-content screening systems and in vivo imaging systems can help you make informed decisions and accelerate the drug discovery process.

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How to… automate and analyze

Increase the efficiency, accuracy, and precision of drug discovery workflows through our robotic liquid handlers and data management systems.

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Increase the efficiency, accuracy, and precision of drug discovery workflows through our robotic liquid handlers and data management systems.

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