PhyNexus® PhyTips® columns

- Purify up to 96 samples in 15 min
- Column bed sizes from 5-160 μL volumes
- Achieve high sample binding capacity and purity by passing samples back and forth through column
- Highly purified products with high concentrations achieved with low elution:bed volume ratio
GE® Predictor® plates/Pall® AcroPrep™ filter plates

- Rapidly screen binding, wash and elution conditions in 96 well plate formats
- Use centrifugation or vacuum filtration (optional gripper for full automation)
- Explore design space to optimize process development using DoE
OPUS® RoboColumns® chromatography columns

- Miniaturized column chromatography predictive of process scale-up
- Purify 96 samples/day or more depending upon load volume
- 50, 100, 200 and 600 μL bed sizes; variety of resin types
- Sample volumes from 100 μL up to 48 mL or more
- Automate sample loading and fraction collection; adjustable height accommodates multiple collection plates
Simple to use protocols: designed for the scientist
Quickly enter experiment variables to easily translate your experimental design.
Easily confirm placement of samples and labware on the workstation deck (top) and view workstation status or setup email confirmation for when process is complete (bottom).
Wizard driven JANUS® G3 application assistant guides preparation and execution of small-scale purification and sample prep
- Enables true walk-up usability without need for advanced training
- Flexibility to easily modify purification parameters
We're here to help.
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