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Cellular Imaging Software

Acquire, visualize, analyze, discover

Revvity offers sophisticated cellular imaging and analysis software to help you acquire, visualize, analyze and share your image data more effectively and efficiently, so you can spend more time discovering.

From image cytometry, to live-cell imaging and sophisticated sub-cellular high-content imaging and analysis, our cell image analysis software is workflow-driven, guiding you through the process step-by-step. In addition, we provide software systems to help you efficiently manage the terabytes of scientific imaging data that can be generated by advanced high-content screening experiments.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Harmony high-content imaging and analysis software

Designed for Revvity high-content screening systems, Harmony software includes everything you need to analyze the most complex cellular models in 3D, reliably discriminate phenotypes, and turn your biological data into knowledge.

Designed for Revvity high-content screening systems, Harmony software includes everything you need to analyze the most complex cellular models in 3D, reliably discriminate phenotypes, and turn your biological data into knowledge.

  • Workflow-based user interface, that guides you through the entire process.
  • Analyze common assays with more than 30 ready-made solutions, or create your own with simple image-analysis building blocks
  • Easily quantify complex cellular phenotypes based on changes in morphology, fluorescence intensity, intensity distribution, and texture parameters
  • Visualize and analyze your samples in 3D for greater depth of information and insights in a more physiologically relevant context
  • Find images, metadata, and results quickly via the integrated sortable database

Optional plug-ins:

  • PreciScan - accurately target your object of interest for significantly reduced acquisition and analysis times, particularly valuable for 3D microtissue and rare event studies.
  • PhenoLOGIC - uses proprietary machine-learning technology to enable you to train Harmony software to develop image analysis algorithms, significantly reducing image analysis times.

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Signals image artist image data analysis and management platform

Providing powerful capabilities for processing, analyzing, storing, and sharing high-content screening and cellular imaging data, with Signals Image Artist™ you can significantly cut your time to results from days and weeks to hours.

Providing powerful capabilities for processing, analyzing, storing, and sharing high-content screening and cellular imaging data, with Signals Image Artist™ you can significantly cut your time to results from days and weeks to hours.

  • Fast image data processing and image analysis even for complex assays
  • Assay building blocks that make advanced image analysis simple
  • Storage of all your image data and associated instrument metadata in a central location
  • Compatible with all major high-content screening and cell imaging systems
  • Scalable, multi-user solution that can expand with your lab’s changing needs
  • Integrates with Revvity Opera Phenix® Plus and Operetta CLS™ high-content screening systems operated by Harmony software, and Signals VitroVivo for profiling image data, hit selection, and more

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Kaleido data acquisition and image analysis software

Kaleido™ software combines both data acquisition and image analysis with a workflow-based user interface. It is integrated with our EnSight® multimode plate reader, which offers fast well-imaging and major detection capabilities for target-based and phenotypic screening. The software is simple to learn and guides you through your experiment, making it easy to set up and run your multi-technology protocols for an orthogonal approach to your research. The software’s task toolbox lets you combine imaging tasks and detection operations to build your own protocols, so you can get results quickly on a wide range of applications.

Kaleido™ software combines both data acquisition and image analysis with a workflow-based user interface. It is integrated with our EnSight® multimode plate reader, which offers fast well-imaging and major detection capabilities for target-based and phenotypic screening. The software is simple to learn and guides you through your experiment, making it easy to set up and run your multi-technology protocols for an orthogonal approach to your research. The software’s task toolbox lets you combine imaging tasks and detection operations to build your own protocols, so you can get results quickly on a wide range of applications.

  • Start quickly with ready-to-go protocols
  • Combine image analysis tasks for a wide range of different applications
  • Export your data or metadata as a single file for further analysis
  • Custom analysis solutions for advanced applications, available on special request.

We’re here to help.

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