Plasma fractionation
Now you can increase efficiency, reduce errors, and improve the traceability of your cfDNA workflows from fractionated plasma with the JANUS® G3 Blood iQ™ workstation. The proprietary technology in the JANUS G3 Blood iQ workstation allows for precise identification and separation of the plasma and buffy coat layers in centrifuged blood tubes.
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Reproducible cfDNA extraction with chemagic technology
Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is a promising avenue for non-invasive biomarker research and various applications, but its detection and analysis can be challenging due to several factors.
Discover the chemagic cfDNA kits used on the chemagic instruments for your reliable cfDNA extraction workflow. Get comparable yields to manual spin column methods with efficient removal of contaminants and exclusion of cross-contamination while reducing variability and preserving sample integrity with full tracking capabilities.
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Before cfDNA is subject to downstream sequencing, quality control checks are often performed to evaluate the quality of extracted cfDNA.
The LabChip® GX Touch™ HT Nucleic Acid Analyzer and LabChip cfDNA assay is optimized to assess fragment distribution and quantitation of extracted cfDNA samples.
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cfDNA library prep kit
Now you can construct NGS libraries with as little as 10 ng of input cfDNA with an accelerated workflow and minimal hands-on time using the NEXTFLEX® Cell Free DNA-Seq Kit 2.0. Up to 1,536 unique dual index barcodes facilitate high-throughput applications without compromising data integrity.