The LabChip® AAV reagents bundle includes the AAV Pico Protein and AAV DN (denaturing) DNA reagents needed for the Empty/Full characterization of AAV particles. In combination with an AAV Standard (sold separately), this all-in-one solution is a sensitive, fast, robust, and automated way to obtain Empty/Full ratios using the LabChip GXII Touch System. It enables the analysis of up to 96 samples at a time (including standards).
These reagents are compatible with AAV1, AAV2, AAV5, AAV6, AAV8, and AAV9.
Feature | Specification |
Application |
DNA Analysis Protein Analysis |
Automation Compatible | Yes |
Instrument Compatibility | LabChip GXII Touch |
Technology | Microfluidic Electrophoresis |
The LabChip® AAV reagents bundle includes the AAV Pico Protein and AAV DN (denaturing) DNA reagents needed for the Empty/Full characterization of AAV particles. In combination with an AAV Standard (sold separately), this all-in-one solution is a sensitive, fast, robust, and automated way to obtain Empty/Full ratios using the LabChip GXII Touch System. It enables the analysis of up to 96 samples at a time (including standards).
These reagents are compatible with AAV1, AAV2, AAV5, AAV6, AAV8, and AAV9.
Sensitive Automated Analysis of AAV Viral Protein (VP):
The LabChip AAV Pico Protein Analysis kit provides reagents for fluorescence-labeling and detection of up to 96 AAV samples (including standards) using a sample size of 4 µL. The covalent labeling approach allows viral proteins to be detected at concentrations 5E11 to 1E13 VP/mL with an electrophoresis run time of ~ 1 minute per sample.
Sensitive automated analysis AAV DN DNA analysis.
The LabChip AAV DN DNA Analysis kit provides on-chip labeling and detection of the genomic content and integrity of AAV particles. A minimum of 20 µL sample volume and 2E11 VG/mL concentration is required to run this assay. The electrophoresis run-time is ~ 1 minute per sample. As low as
AAV Empty/Full ratio determination.
The LabChip AAV Empty/Full ratio determination is possible when using this reagent bundle in combination with the AAV Empty/Full Chip Bundle (CLS158860). The software includes data analysis for AAV Empty/Full determination using referencing measurements to an AAV standard (CLS157467).
This assay is compatible with the LabChip GXII Touch System.
Note: LabChip Software version 1.15 and LabChip Reviewer Software version 5.13 or higher are needed for AAV Empty/Full Analysis.
Other components required to use this assay include:
Application |
DNA Analysis
Protein Analysis
Automation Compatible |
Instrument Compatibility |
LabChip GXII Touch
Sample Type |
Shipping Conditions |
Shipped in Dry Ice
Technology |
Microfluidic Electrophoresis
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